Join us on an immersive retreat
Upcoming Retreats
Upcoming Retreats
Nosara, Costa Rica
May 17-21st, 2025
The Drop In and are joining forces for five days of indoor cycling and cathartic mat-based movement, embodiment, and community in one of the world’s only blue zone regions: the Nicoya Peninsula—where incredible organic food, scenic shalas, mindful practices, a world-class spa, and community building allow you to fully relax into the experience.
Mykonos, Greece
September 11-15th, 2025
A wellness retreat for men & women to explore what it means to connect to their body fully. Each day is carefully curated with movement practices, somatic practices, and optional workshops to allow your body to be the intuitive compass it was designed to be.
April 3rd-7th 2024
For men & women who desire to explore what it means to connect to themselves fully and create the aligned life they have dreamed of. Each day is carefully curated with movement, lesson, somatic practice and ceremony to shed the old belief system and choose one that is in full alignment
A 4-night all-inclusive adventure in Nosara, Costa Rica.
Stephanie and Alexandra curate an experience filled with movement, mindfulness, and ceremonial magic to liberate your unique soul. On this retreat, you will collapse years of self-work, turn your pain into power, and manifest your desires.
For the women who are ready to be Unbound from beliefs, masks & behaviors restricting their ability to self source their own warmth, validation, & power.